

  • Strategic communication planning and execution
  • Change communications
  • "Behavication" seminars and coaching for leaders and teams
  • Writing and editing


Is your employee engagement slipping? Maybe it's time for some Behavication™.  

What is Behavication™? 

Behavication™ is about aligning leader words with actions and infrastructure systems to improve employee engagement. Research shows that psychological contracts are created between leaders and employees. If a leader's words and actions don't align, trust erodes, and employees become disengaged.  

Sometimes organizations try to remedy a lack of engagement with rewards or special events that actually take the place of the kind of supportive systems and honest integrity most employees seek.   

How can we help? 

Our Behavication™ program assesses the state of your team’s engagement based on Behavication™ tenets and provides you a roadmap for increasing employee enthusiasm. Our process trains leaders to think differently about what it means to communicate effectively, and provides the tools needed for long term success.